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Local Advisory Council
Niles Dial A Ride Transportation has a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) made up of Niles residents and other professionals with a particular interest in public transit. The LAC regularly reviews both the demand response and deviated fixed route services, and offers suggestions for improvements that will benefit transit customers. Most meetings are held at the Niles City Council Chambers located at 1345 E. Main Street. All meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact Kelly Getman-Dissette at 269-684-5150.
Current LAC Members
Kathryn Ender, Greater Niles Senior Center
David Markel, Niles Resident Member
Serita Mason, Resident Member
Linda McLain, Niles Resident Member
Megan Noll, West Woods of Niles
Elaine Pack, Niles Resident Member
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